Terry T. Campo brought a decade of legislative experience gained in the Illinois Legislature and political campaigns when he started on Capitol Hill as a Counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. In the three decades since—including, as the head of Congressional Relations for a Federal Agency and for a securities’ law firm, Mr. Campo has gained unique insights into how Congressional Rules, Executive Orders, and internal guidelines are critical in developing a Government Relations Strategy.
Representative Work
- Developed legal and policy strategy for the presentation to the Vice President of the United States and the Secretary of Energy for $1 Trillion investment banking firm to develop new financial instruments for trading of crude oil reserves backed by the United States Government.
- Assisted in preparation of U.S. Congressional testimony of panel of former U.S. Secretaries of Energy concerning espionage and security procedures at the Los Alamos National Laboratories.
- Provided confidential advice on legal and policy issues of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) proceedings concerning grandfathering of tariffs and the audit of natural gas supplied to Enron, for the U.S.’ largest publicly-traded pipeline partnership managing a refined petroleum products pipeline system.
- Negotiated amendments to the Clean Air Act Reauthorization of 1990 on behalf of petrochemical industry clients.
- Represented healthcare provider before Congressional Investigation into alleged abuses of pharmaceuticals by diet-centers.
- Testified before the House Appropriations Committee on Federal Agency’s justification for $170 Million Budget Request for budget-year facing Sequestration.
- Liaised with House Budget Committee in anticipation of first Sequestration mandated by funding-targets in the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act.
- Liaised with then-Senate Labor Committee Chair Chris Dodd (D-CN) to obtain support for reprogramming of appropriated funds for prior-year funds in the Labor/HHS Appropriation for other purposes.
- Personally reviewed all prepared statements and responses to interrogatories by Department of Energy Officers before any Congressional Oversight or Authorizing Committees prior to delivery to Congress.
- Participated in development of legislative strategy to reverse initially unfavorable outcome on amendments to the Price-Anderson Act establishing re-insurance levels for Nuclear Power Station accidents.
- Oversaw Department of Energy compliance with Senate Armed Services Committee and House Energy and Commerce Committee investigations of alleged-lobbying by DOE contractors against the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) on Nuclear Weapons in violation of federal law prohibiting use of government funds for lobbying.
- For private sector clients, negotiated Freedom of Information Act requests with U.S. Departments of State and Defense producing details of official travel by Members of Congress.